Monday, February 10, 2014

Birding Weekend 2014

The Second Annual Birding Weekend at Peckerwood Farm will take place May 9-11, 2014.  We will again host a Friday evening pizza and salad dinner to kick off the event.  Saturday morning will hold an early breakfast at the New Buffalo McDonald's followed by birding at one of the local birding hotspots. We will lunch at Red Arrow Roadhouse mid-day on Saturday and the afternoon will be on your own exploring the local shopping, hitting another birding hotpot or taking a siesta.  On Saturday evening, we will host dinner and bonfire at the farm.  On Sunday morning, we will be back at the farm with coffee/morning snacks, bird watching and goodbyes before heading out for another day in harbor country, brunch on your own or returning home.  Please join us for all or part of the weekend. Please refer to the blog post from 2013 for suggestions of local accommodations.

Geordan & Tim

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