Monday, January 9, 2012

And So We Begin....

 I am not sure why I decided to start a blog. I guess I like the idea of documenting the adventures I have had in my life journey.  I am not much of a blog reader, I haven't subscribed to any in the past.  So feel free to press on if this is already boring you.
So, a little more about me.   I am 47 years old. I have always been interested in nature, animals, plants and people.  I have a partner, Geordan,  who supports me in my pursuit of collecting and organizing the objects of my obsessions.  I suppose that it is a form of OCD with a touch of hoarding.  However, I think it is the fear of becoming a full scale hoarder that keeps me from going completely over the edge. We will touch on my collections in future blogs. Suffice it to say, most of them are the interests of senior citizens(plants, antiques, books) with a few quirks(I love newspaper articles involving bad drivers which end in the line 'police investigators found the vehicles brakes to be in complete working order.')

Why Peckerwood?  Well, I get a bit depressed in the winter. Geordan is a good sport and puts up with me.  In the winter of 2009-2010, I had a bit of a meltdown.  I had sold my veterinary practice in Michigan and with it my garden, which I had worked very hard at developing over the prior 15 years.  Lacking my usual winter thrill of perusing the garden catalogs and dreaming about what I would plant in the spring, I got really depressed.  Geordan to the rescue. He consented willingly, to begin a land search with me in southwest Michigan for a place we could build a future home and garden.  We luckily found a beautiful piece of property with a depressingly ugly brick ranch home in Three Oaks Township, which was the beginning of our big project. Since the day we purchased the property, we have invested many hours and lots of money to carve out a future on the 6.5 acres we have christened Peckerwood Farm. The name Peckerwood is appropriate on many levels.  The property hosts a number of woodpecker species including downy, red bellied, red headed and pileated.  Also, Peckerwood was the old family estate in the movie Auntie Mame, starring Rosalind Russell, and a favorite movie of Geordan and mine.   Aside from those very justifiable reasons, it is also entertaining to watch people blush and giggle when we tell them the name.

 'Darling, you simply must come out to Peckerwood.'

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