Wednesday, January 25, 2012

A Break from the Gloom of Winter

Winter in the north can leave us all longing for the sunny days of summer. Luckily we had a chance to get away for a week to sunny Florida.  What a treat to sit outside and swim in a warm pool under the warmth of the January sun.  We had an early flight to Orlando from O'hare airport on Saturday January 14, the day after my Dad's 70th birthday.  It has been a busy month for the England family, my parents celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on December 29 and Dad began his 8th decade of life two weeks later. It was nice to spend time with my family and celebrate both Christmas and the golden anniversary. 
Mom & Dad
Our trip on United Airlines to Orlando was unfortunately marred by the diversion of my suitcase to Jacksonville Florida.  There are no direct flights from Jacksonville to Orlando, so it took about 36 hours for my bag to catch up with me.  We had a great room at the Gaylord Palms and got to enjoy a balcony into the atrium, with views of tropical plants and the waterfall.  Geordan and I spent time staring into the koi pond and selecting our favorite varieties for our future pond at Peckerwood. The conference was fantastic as always, with many educational opportunities to improve my skills as a veterinarian.  The best part of the conference was catching up with my classmates and friends. Bruce, Kris, Chris, Mary and Matt were all in attendance.  What a great time we had spending our evenings catching up on our lives and dining at some great restaurants.  One of our favorites was Cafe Tutu Tango, a small plates tapas menu and good sangria made the meal very memorable. Check it out if you are in Orlando)

Sandhill Crane at Orlando Airport

We also got a chance to go birding when in Orlando.  We visited a great county park with a large wetland area. We viewed a large variety of birds including some new species for me.  Wood storks were abundant as well as many members of the heron family. I got some great photos of a bittern, which are notoriously difficult to photograph.  Additionally, we saw a huge flock of fish crows that had gathered in a stand of trees along the edge of the lake.

American Bittern

After the conference concluded we packed up our bags and moved to the Sheraton Vistana Lakes.  We were joined by Anne, Brian and Devin to enjoy a few days of sunshine and Disney.  Our trip to the Magic Kingdom was fantastic. We had a full day of rides, parades and junk food. What a great time. We also visited the Animal Kingdom park on Saturday, which proved just as fun and the weather couldn't have been any more perfect.  I think the highlight of the trip for Devin was spending time in the pools at the resort.  The water was perfectly warm and the pool was a great place to hang out between all the busy park hopping and dining.
Cinderella's Castle

Alas, our time in Orlando came to an end and we had to return to Chicago.  The flight home transported us from bright sunshine and warmth to an overcast and snow covered world.  While our winter has not been particularly cold or snowy, a getaway for some sunshine therapy and vitamin D production makes the winter seem bearable.  The plans for garden planting and springtime projects can resume. More importantly, we have many Peckerwood tasks to undertake in preparation for the warmth and sunshine to arrive back to Southwest Michigan.

See you @

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Seeds, Seeds, and More Seeds....

In 2011 we had several major projects on the farm.  A large berm along the road planted with conifers to give us some privacy was installed by Gee Farms.  We had chosen several species and cultivars to give us a variety of textures and colors. These included weeping Alaskan cedars, Arborvitae, Hemlocks, Serbian spruce, Stone pine, Fraser firs, and Concolor firs.  We had visited Gee farms early in March of 2011 and picked out the individual trees to be installed. One of the highlights of the trip was finding a short eared owl nestled among the conifers in the field. 
Short-eared Owl

One other major project was the kitchen garden. We had planted a small raised bed with tomatoes, squash, peppers and cucumbers at the farm in the spring. What we really wanted was a larger area to grow more varieties and new vegetables. After visiting many homes on house walks and summer events in Harbor country, we decided to build a kitchen garden behind the existing house. Geordan spent most of the summer designing the space and the location of the various beds, gates and pergolas. We started construction in late summer. A huge truckload of lumber had arrived and was placed in the middle of the driveway. We spent many weekends working at cutting, drilling and screwing the boxes together. 
The Kitchen Garden in early construction phase

Our friend Kieran assisted on several visits, as well as our friend Tom Dunn.  Additionally, we had visits by many friends during construction, Steve & Jerry supervised for a Sunday afternoon.  Our neighbors Rick and Sandy made sure we stayed hydrated by announcing 'Beer Break' and arriving with the traditional Miller Lite each weekend.  Many hours and sore Monday mornings later we are in the final phases of construction for the kitchen garden.  Our winter project has been measuring the box tops for trim and finalizing our selections for planting. We anticipate that construction will be complete in time for planting season. The final touches of gravel walkways and an irrigation system will be installed once the soil is stable enough to allow heavy equipment to be driven on the yard.
Kitchen Garden final phase

This winter we have begun dreaming and selecting the seeds to grow in the garden. Geordan has been enthralled by the Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds catalog. He has chosen seven varieties to order, as we have decided on growing a total of eight. His choices are Green Zebra, Violet Jasper, German Lunchbox, Beauty Queen, Tigerella, Black Cherry and Tess's Land Race Currant.  My choice, Sun Gold, has been a traditional variety we have grown in our Earthboxes in the city for several years.  They are sweet, juicy and delicious.  They taste like everything good about summer captured by the sun in a little fruit.  We plan on starting the seeds under grow lights in the basement at the farm. Between birthdays and Christmas we have acquired the lights, heat mats and timers needed to start our seeds.  Additionally, we will start cucumbers, basil, zucchini, and butternut squash.

We decided to order from 3 additional companies to round out our seed choices.  Gurneys was the traditional choice of my Grandmother.  I loved looking looking at the catalog when I was a little boy. They even sold chickens through the mail.  One of my favorite spring expectations was the 1cent seed packet they offered.  It said it was just for kids and contained a collection of all sorts of garden seeds.  I envisioned a loyal Gurney employee carefully selecting 1 or 2 seeds from each large bin of seeds in the Gurney factory.  They would gently place them in the seed packet and ship it with Grandma's order. In retrospect, a weary employee probably sweeps up the floor after a long day of seed packing and places a portion of the sweepings in the paper envelope that I anticipated each spring.  Territorial Seed Company was another company we supported.  I liked their catalog and they had an interesting section of grafted vegetables.  Finally, we ordered from R.H. Shumway's Garden Guide.  Their catalog has an old timey feel which made me envision a sweet family farm sited in the dells of Wisconsin.  Don't disillusion me if you know they are a division of Monsanto, bent on the destruction of the earth.  I need that little bit of nostalgia.

All these seeds and all the catalogs are a definite sign that spring is coming.  It gives us all hope that the green leaves and spring flowers are just waiting to burst forth when the opportunity arrives.  I will keep you posted on our seed planting mission and hopefully have a full report on our tomato choices once they provide us with their fruit.

Monday, January 9, 2012

And So We Begin....

 I am not sure why I decided to start a blog. I guess I like the idea of documenting the adventures I have had in my life journey.  I am not much of a blog reader, I haven't subscribed to any in the past.  So feel free to press on if this is already boring you.
So, a little more about me.   I am 47 years old. I have always been interested in nature, animals, plants and people.  I have a partner, Geordan,  who supports me in my pursuit of collecting and organizing the objects of my obsessions.  I suppose that it is a form of OCD with a touch of hoarding.  However, I think it is the fear of becoming a full scale hoarder that keeps me from going completely over the edge. We will touch on my collections in future blogs. Suffice it to say, most of them are the interests of senior citizens(plants, antiques, books) with a few quirks(I love newspaper articles involving bad drivers which end in the line 'police investigators found the vehicles brakes to be in complete working order.')

Why Peckerwood?  Well, I get a bit depressed in the winter. Geordan is a good sport and puts up with me.  In the winter of 2009-2010, I had a bit of a meltdown.  I had sold my veterinary practice in Michigan and with it my garden, which I had worked very hard at developing over the prior 15 years.  Lacking my usual winter thrill of perusing the garden catalogs and dreaming about what I would plant in the spring, I got really depressed.  Geordan to the rescue. He consented willingly, to begin a land search with me in southwest Michigan for a place we could build a future home and garden.  We luckily found a beautiful piece of property with a depressingly ugly brick ranch home in Three Oaks Township, which was the beginning of our big project. Since the day we purchased the property, we have invested many hours and lots of money to carve out a future on the 6.5 acres we have christened Peckerwood Farm. The name Peckerwood is appropriate on many levels.  The property hosts a number of woodpecker species including downy, red bellied, red headed and pileated.  Also, Peckerwood was the old family estate in the movie Auntie Mame, starring Rosalind Russell, and a favorite movie of Geordan and mine.   Aside from those very justifiable reasons, it is also entertaining to watch people blush and giggle when we tell them the name.

 'Darling, you simply must come out to Peckerwood.'