Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Peckerwood's Go to Africa

On May 24, 2012 we travelled with our dear friends Chris, Mark, Sue, Eileen and Barb to Kenya & Tanzania.  It was an incredible experience and we had such a great time.  On June 11, my birthday,we ended our trip,flying from Nairobi to Istanbul to Chicago. We celebrated on 3 continents and the day lasted 32 hours with all the time changes.  Here are some photos from our trip:

The Peckerwood Travellers


Lilac Breasted Roller

King of the Beasts

Masai Mara, Kenya

Black Rhino

Masai Dancers

Little Bee Eaters

Sunset at Klein's Camp

Momma & Baby

Crater Lodge: Ngorogoro Crater

Lion Cubs